Seekers Sunday School Class
Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church
Lesson Notes
2 Chronicles
Solomon's Worship, Wisdom, and Wealth
Solomon's Preparation, Construction, and Dedication of the Temple
Solomon in All His Splendor; Solomon's Death
The Division of the Kingdom
King Rehoboam
King Abijah
King Asa
King Jehoshaphat
King Jehoram
King Ahaziah
Usurpation of Queen Athaliah
King Joash
King Amaziah
King Uzziah
King Jotham
King Ahaz
King Hezekiah
King Manasseh
King Amon
King Josiah
King Jehoahaz
King Jehoiakim
King Jehoiachin
Jehoiakin Rules in Judah
King Zedekiah
The Babylonian Captivity
The Decree of Cyrus
King Jehoiachin
2 Chronicles 36:9-10
Jehoiachin Rules in Judah
2 Chronicles 36:9-10
Jehoiachin was eighteen when he became king and reigned for 3 months and 10 days. (v. 9)
Jehoiachin did evil in the sight of the Lord. (v. 9)
King Nebuchadnezzar brought him to Babylon and plundered the Temple some more. (v. 10)
Last update: July 6, 2003
© 2002-2003
Greg Cohoon