2 Chronicles 36:1-3
- The finality of 2 Chronicles is an abbreviated parallel of 2 Kings
- The final four kings of Judah are described briefly and grouped
together. This allows for the outstanding reign of Josiah to hold a
more climatic position in 2 Chronicles.
- Another reason these kings are treated so briefly is that during
these reigns, Judah is under control of other nations - first Egypt,
then Babylon.
- In signal contrast to the godliness and strength of character of
their father, these last kings of Judah, three sons and one grandson
of Josiah, exhibited a moral incapacity that brought what remained
of the kingdom of Israel to its inglorious end.
- Jehoahaz' displacement from the kingship marked the end of independent
government in Judah.
- Jehoahaz was twenty-three when he became king and reigned for three
months. (v. 2)
- He was dethroned by the king of Egypt. (v. 3)
- See 2 Kings 23:31-34 - Jehoahaz "did that which was evil." The
Chronicler leaves us to infer this information.
- Jehoahaz was taken to Egypt where he died.
- Things are begining to move quickly for the destruction of Judah.