2 Chronicles 22:10-12
- There are many interesting things happening after the death of
Ahaziah: there is a break in the succession of Davidic kings in
Judah, a queen rules, and a high-priest has decisive influence in
the land.
- When Athaliah learned that Ahaziah was dead, she set out to destroy
the rest of the royal family. (v. 10)
- Athaliah was particularly brutal, as in destroying the royal family,
she would have, by necessity, killed her own grandchildren.
- Ahaziah's sister hid Ahaziah's infant son, Joash, so that he wouldn't
be killed. (v. 11)
- If Joash had not been spared, the line of David would have been cut
off. This is how close it came to losing what would be the Messianic
- Joash remained hidden in the Temple for six years while Athaliah
ruled. (v. 12)
- In his description of Athaliah's reign, the Chronicler highlights that
this is a very low point in Judah's history: with Athaliah on the
throne, there is virtually no difference between the northern and
southern kingdoms. This is a threat to the promise that Judah would
continue as a separate state under God's blessing. It's a parallel
with how Saul almost led Israel to destruction under the Philistines.
The parallel is extended by comparing Joash to David.
- More about Athaliah can be found in 2 Kings 11.
2 Chronicles 23:1-11
- In the seventh year of Athaliah's reign, Jehoiada the priest decided
it was time to get Athaliah off the throne. (v. 1)
- Jehoiada made a pact with five army commanders to help. (v. 1)
- They gathered Levites to the Temple from all over Judah. They made
a covenant with young Joash. (v. 2-3)
- Jehoiada details the plan to protect Joash. (v. 4-7)
- Everything went as planned. (v. 8-10)
- Jehoiada crowned Joash as king. (v. 11)
- Remember that Joash is seven years old when this is happening.
2 Chronicles 23:12-15
- Athaliah heard the commotion and, when she realized what happened,
shouted "Treason! Treason!" (v. 12-13)
- Note the hypocrisy (perhaps even irony?) in Athaliah's cries of
treason. She accuses Jehoiada and Hoash of treason, when in fact,
she is the traitor, having killed all other rightful heirs to the
- Jehoiada ordered Athaliah executed. (v. 14)
- Athaliah was killed at the gate where the horses enter the palace
grounds. (v. 15)
2 Chronicles 23:16-21
- It is important to note here that not only is the monarchy
restored, but worship at the Temple is restored as well. We'll
see in 2 Chronicles 24 that Athaliah had defiled the Temple with
pagan worship practices.
- Jehoiada went to work in destroying the vestiges of idolatry.
(v. 16-17)
- Jehoiada put the Levitical priests in charge of the Temple.
(v. 18-19)
- There was a parade, and Joash was seated on the royal throne.
(v. 20)
- The city was peaceful because Athaliah had been killed. (v. 21)
- The restoration of the kingship with Joash is a very significant
event in the history of Judah. This is not just a minor skirmish
that needed resolution. Instead, Athaliah posed a serious threat
to Judah's future. God used the priests to restore the Davidic
kingship. This is a story of God's determination to keep his promise,
even in the lowest times, even when the signs of His presence might
be dim.