Seekers Sunday Schoool
Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church
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2 Chronicles
Solomon's Worship, Wisdom, and Wealth
Solomon's Preparation, Construction, and Dedication of the Temple
Solomon in All His Splendor; Solomon's Death
The Division of the Kingdom
King Rehoboam
King Abijah
King Asa
King Jehoshaphat
King Jehoram
Jehoram Reigns in Judah
King Ahaziah
Usurpation of Queen Athaliah
King Joash
King Amaziah
King Uzziah
King Jotham
King Ahaz
King Hezekiah
King Manasseh
King Amon
King Josiah
King Jehoahaz
King Jehoiakim
King Jehoiachin
King Zedekiah
The Babylonian Captivity
The Decree of Cyrus

King Jehoram
2 Chronicles 21:1-20

Jehoram Rules in Judah

2 Chronicles 21:1-20

  • Begining with the reign of Jehoram, the history recorded in 2 Chronicles is downhill all the way.
  • Jehoshaphat was buried in the City of David and his son, Jehoram, became king. (v. 1)
  • Jehoshaphat and Jehoram shared the kingship for five years.
  • Jehoram's brothers were given riches and cities by their father. (v. 2-3)
  • Jehoram killed his brothers and other leaders of Israel. (v. 5)
  • Jehoram was a wicked king. (v. 7)
  • Jehoram's wickedness is due to the influence of his wife, Ahab's daughter. This is the arranged marriage that Jehoshaphat had orchestrated.
  • Edom successfully succeded from Judah. (v. 8-10)
  • Jehoram led the people in idoltry. (v. 11)
  • Remember that Jehoshaphat had just delivered the people from idoltry.
  • The prophet Elijah wrote a scathing letter to Jehoram. (v. 12-15)
  • Elijah was a prophet to the northern kingdom. This is the only time he spoke to a king in the south.
  • Since Eliha was taken into heaven during Jehoshaphat's reign, the letter may have been in safekeeping with Elisha until this appointed time.
  • Jerusalem was attacked by the Philistines and the Arabs. (v. 16-17)
  • Jehoram got a severe intestinal disease that caused a painful death. (v. 18-19)
  • Jehoram did not get a fire of honor when he died. (v. 19)
  • No one was sorry when Jehoram died. (v. 20)

Last update: July 6, 2003

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